2013年9月14日 星期六


(Western Dance – Couples )    
These patterns are very often used in repetitive partner.

The basic dance position is Sweetheart.

The tempo of music can vary from 124 – 140 beats per minute. The basic Shuffle step is counted 1&2 3&4.

The dance has a generally forward movement but must include some non-progressive step patterns with a minimum of 8 counts and a maximum of 16 counts of music.

At least 4 shuffles and not more than 8 or 10 shuffles are done consecutively without entering the standing step pattern.

No Schottische style patterns are allowed, i.e. vine step patterns followed by a kick accent performed on count 4 of the rhythm.

No rhythm breaks are allowed during the shuffles, but any steps may be done during the standing steps.