2023年7月21日 星期五

Just Dance

Just Dance Line Dance
Choreographer : Rosie Morrison (IRE) - May 2023
Descriptions: 32 Count , 2 Wall , Beginner level line dance
Music: Why Don't We Just Dance - Josh Turner


Music (MV)

Baby, why don't we just turn that TV off? Three hundred and fifteen channels of nothing but bad news on, Well it might be me But the way I see it, The whole wide world has gone crazy. So baby, why don't we just dance? Just a little bitty living room ain't gonna look like much. But when the lights go down and we move the couch, It's gonna be more than enough For my two left feet And our two hearts beatin' Nobody's gonna see us go crazy. So baby, why don't we just dance Down the hall, Maybe straight up the stairs? Bouncing off the wall, Floating on air, Baby, why don't we just dance?

