(Basic Line Dance Terminology-J)
Jazz Box:
1.(4 counts) step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back, step right foot to right side, step left foot next to left. Also done leading with left foot i.e. start by crossing left in front of right.
2.May be executed with right or left foot lead i.e.:- Cross right foot over left and step, left foot step back, right foot step to right, left foot step beside right. Maybe done with a step forward and may include a directional change.
(Also Skipping Jazz box) As above but on a syncopated rhythm adding a hop on each of the & counts before each step.
Jazz Jump:
A spring into the air leading with one foot and landing on both feet. Also can be syncopated by landing one foot before the other. Can be executed in any direction.
(1 count) jump forward or backward taking off and landing with both feet at the sane time.