(Basic Line Dance Terminology-T)
Music speed usually indicated by beats per minute (BPM).
Pelvic movement usually forwards or backwards.
Time (signature):
The number of beats per measure of music i.e.:- 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8
A foot movement where the unweighted foot is positioned alongside the support foot with a weight change.
To rotate the upper body in the opposite direction to the stepping foot.
Touch (or Tap):
1.(1 count) touch toe or heel to ground but don’t put any weight on it.2.Touch the floor with the designated part of the unweighted foot.
Traveling Pivot:
Pivots danced down the LOD in extended fifth Position.
Triple Step:
1.Step(1) right (&) left (2)right on the spot. Or (1) left(&) right (3)left on the spot.2.( See Shuffle)
A Body rotation that takes one or more steps to complete.
Twinkle Step:
1.(1)step right foot across in front of left, (&)step left foot to left side, (3)step right foot next to left.2.As applied to Waltz (1):Turn body slightly right- Cross left foot over right and step , Right foot small step to right .Turn slightly left put weight on left, (2)Turn body slightly left- Cross right foot over left and step, Left foot small step to left, Turn slightly right put weight on right.