2013年9月13日 星期五


(Basic Line Dance Terminology-P)  
Paddle Turn (A.K.A. Peg leg turn) :
AUse the un-weighted foot to propel the body through a number of 90° turns on the ball of the weighted foot.
See Hold
A musical clause, a natural grouping of measures which gives a temporary feeling of completion, usually two to eight measures.
Pigeon Toes:
Pin Wheel:
Partners beside each other, hip to hip, to execute a turn around an axis between them.
Pivot Turn (A.K.A. Military turn) :
1.(2 counts) step forward on right(or left) foot, keeping weight on ball of left(or right) foot make a ½ ( ¼ or ¾ ) turn over your left(or right) shoulder so that you end up with your weight on your left(or right) foot and facing the wall that was behind you.
2.With feet apart in extended fifth position, a 90°, 180°, or 270° turn is executed on the balls of both feet.
Place toe in direction indicated i.e.:- forward, side or back touching floor.
A lead indication used to prepare your partner for the smooth execution of a turn or combination.