2013年9月13日 星期五


(Basic Line Dance Terminology-M)   
Mambo Step:
1.(1) step forward on right foot, (&) lift left foot and replace it back down on the same place, (2) step right foot back next to left.
2.A step that can be taken forward, backwards or sideways on either foot usually with Cuban motion.
i.e. (1) Rock forward onto right, (2) Replace weight back on to left ,(3) Close right foot to left foot, (4) Hold with hip transfer .
Mambo (Back Or Side):
1.are executed in the same way but step(1) to the back or to the side.
Monterey Turn:
1.(4 counts) touch right toe to right side, on ball of left foot make ½ (¼ or ¾ ) turn over your right shoulder and step onto your right foot, touch left toe out to the side, step left foot next to right. Also done leading with left foot i.e. start by touching left toe to left side.
2.A four-count standing step pattern, which is executed starting with either foot. Start position is feet together.
i.e.:- (1) Right toe point to right ,(2) Half turn clockwise on the ball of the left foot at the same time close right to left and apply weight , (3) Left toe point to left ,(4) Left step home beside right .